Weekly Activities
Get connected!
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School: K – 5th Grade
Sunday School: 6th Grade – Adult
Wednesday Nights
Children’s Bible Study: K – 5th Grade
Youth Group: 6th – 12th
Men’s Study
Women’s Study
Check our church calendar above for details.

Student Ministries
We are happy to host several youth-serving organizations during the week. Check out these ministries below!

Raymore Homeschool Enrichment Co-op
K-12th grade homeschool co-op serving Cass County with vibrant, hands-on, supplemental learning. Meets weekly on Tuesdays during the school year.
American Heritage Girls - Troop MO 0134
AHG is a K-12 organization for girls with a focus on faith, service, and fun. The group is sponsored by Pathway Church in Raymore MO.

Stay Connected
To stay up-to-date on upcoming events, follow us @pathwayraymore.